Monday, March 1, 2021

Great War Miniatures Belgian Heavy Machine Gun

Just a quick post to display the GWM Early War Belgian HMG with a Battle Honors crewmen from the Dog Machine Gun pack (the standing figure).

Saturday, February 27, 2021

28mm Great War Miniatures and Battle Honors Belgian Dog Cart Machine Gun Teams

Got all the machine gun teams cleaned up and based.  Primed them with a earth color enamel.  

The GWM machine gun team is first, all are mounted on a Warlord 60mm plastic circular base.  

The Battle Honors miniatures Dog Cart Machine Gun firing and moving.  Decided to paint the Dog Cart and see how it turns out, but planning on purchasing the Brigade Models version.


Next step, painting.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Great War Miniatures and Battle Honors 28mm Belgian Early War Maxim Machine Guns

With the infantry completed, started work on the Belgian machine guns.  Have one each of Great War Miniatures and Battle Honors.  The GWM is very nicely done, as all of their models are, the Battle Honors on the other hand is almost as good, or at least better than I thought.  Both should mix well together.

For those that aren't aware, Battle Honors is currently being sold on the Old Glory 15s site under its original name and as Shattered Crown by Gaddis Gaming.  As in all of the Battle Honors machine gun packs, there is a gun with crew moving and one that is firing.  

Will get these assembled and mounted on 60mm Warlord Games circular bases.  I might be purchasing the moving dog cart machine gun from Brigade Models since it appears to be a much more accurate model.  All the photographs I've been able to find show a all metal frame, not one made of wood like the BH model.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

28mm Early War Belgian Infantry Completed

Just a quick post with a few pictures of the infantry that I finished.  Will post additional details later, but very pleased with the way they turned out.  Will need to complete a few more small things on the bases, but pretty much ready for a game.  

Next up are the Heavy Machine Gun teams.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Belgian Infantry mounted and base coated

 All the Infantry are mounted, primed and base coat applied.  

The Battle Honors figures look much better, the size difference between them and the GWM is barely noticeable.  

The Battle Honors figures look much better, the size difference between them and the GWM is barely noticeable.  Mounted the figures on 25mm metal fender washers with CA then used Vallejo mud to cover most of the base.  While the thick mud was still wet, pressed in small stones from Ziterdes.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Unboxed 28mm Belgian Infantry

Got the Belgian Infantry cleaned up and ready to mount on bases.  The Battle Honors Belgian infantry advancing are larger than I remembered, actually just a little smaller than the Great War Miniatures Infantry in Shako.  

I ended up with enough infantry for 3x rifle sections of 8 privates and a NCO.  The Platoon Headquarters (in the upper right of the above photo) consists of an Officer, NCO and a runner.

From left to right is a Battle Honors advancing infantry, the center figure is a NCO from the Great War Miniatures Belgian Infantry Command pack as the Officer on the right.

The First section consists of 7 Privates from Great War Miniatures Belgian Infantry in Shakos, one Private from Battle Honors Belgian Infantry Advancing pack as well as a NCO from the same pack.

The 2nd section consists of 6 Privates and a NCO from GWM and 2 Privates from Battle Honors.

The last section is 5 Privates and a NCO from GWM and 3 Privates from BH.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

28mm 1914 Belgian Army for Early War

Received the first order of figures for my 1914 Belgian Army.  I bought these from Noble Knight Games, great service, fast shipping.  I got 3 packs of Great War Miniatures Belgian regular infantry, a pack of Great War Miniatures infantry command and a regular heavy machine gun.  Also received several packs of Battle Honors Belgians; an infantry advancing, a Battalion command and a dogcart machine gun pack. Will unpack these, get them cleaned up and mounted on bases this weekend.  

Great War Miniatures Belgian Heavy Machine Gun

Just a quick post to display the GWM Early War Belgian HMG with a Battle Honors crewmen from the Dog Machine Gun pack (the standing figure).